Water Treatments for Ponds and Aquariums

Water Treatments for Ponds and Aquariums

Water Treatments for Ponds and Aquariums

Water Treatments for Ponds and Aquariums, To assist consumers and their fish, aquatic store operators must take on dual roles of educator and retailer.

One of the four substances that the Greek philosophers thought comprised the universe is WATER. Of course, earth, air, and fire were the other three. Thankfully, fish habitats only need three of these: water, earth, and air. Anyone who keeps fish in captivity needs to take into account the water’s quality as well as the amount of dissolved oxygen and the substrate’s chemical composition.

A fish tank should, on the whole, have all of its components functioning harmoniously. Most of the time, regular aquarium maintenance will take care of this, but when things start to go awry, it’s time to call in the special forces.

Why do we treat Aquarium or pond water?

How do you as a dealer profit from this circumstance is the question. Selling goods that alter the chemistry of water has never been the solution, though. Only a proactive strategy will be effective. Both a retailer and a teacher are required of you. Diagnose the issue, completely clean the tank, reset important parameters, monitor and be patient, and be ready to either repeat your past activities or seek a new path to success are the correct steps to take.

Let’s start in the beginning, while the tank is being constructed. Have you completely cleansed the gravel before putting it in the tank? Has the tank been cleaned before usage, by the way? Here is the protocol I recommend: The tank should be placed on its stand or another equally stable surface, filled to the brim with untreated tap water that is 80 degrees, and left undisturbed for at least two hours. The water should then be gradually drained out while the interior glass surfaces are being cleaned with a clean towel. Place the tank on its stand in the exact location where you want it to be.

Add the washed gravel next. Any rocks or other decorations should be placed in the tank as you gradually fill it. Obviously, don’t add any live fish or plants just yet. Don’t forget to scrub the rocks completely before placing them in the tank. No cleaning agents of any type; simply use water.

Aquarium Water Tank Treatment tips

In a tank, there may be a variety of reasons why things go wrong. Most frequently, but not always, mistakes made by the aquarist are to blame. Even the water used to fill the tank can vary in contamination in some areas. The water itself may differ depending on the season. You might be better off using RO/DI water if you need to doubt the safety of tap water for an aquarium, especially for freshwater situations.

Offering RO/DI water to your customers will enable you to sell water treatments at the highest possible profit. Of course, there are disadvantages to this, but they are more of a nuisance than anything else. When selling both salted water and distilled freshwater, holding vessels for RO/DI might take up a lot of room. Membranes and chemicals need to be changed periodically. In addition to making money, selling RO/DI water has the added benefit of bringing in repeat business. And they nearly always leave with another item that attracted their attention, such as a piece of equipment, an ornament, a fish, a plant, a can of fish food, a rock, or even a piece of coral.

How to Construct the Perfect Aquarium

How to Construct the Perfect Aquarium

How to Construct the Perfect Aquarium

How to Construct the Perfect Aquarium, Despite the fact that it appears to be a simple endeavor, designing and decorating an aquarium can be difficult. Aquarists discuss the need of focusing on lighting and decor while keeping the fish’s well-being in mind.

The Right Size

The size of an aquarium is determined by the available space. As a general rule, choose the largest size available. The size of an aquarium’s surface area is crucial. “Height must also be taken into account.” Taller structures can help both marine and freshwater habitats.

A custom-made tank or a ready-to-use kit can always be used. Regular aquariums and nature aquariums are the two main types of aquariums. “Regular aquariums are those that have a glass tank with a few fish in it.” The latter contains a great deal of information. How to Construct the Perfect Aquarium

According to Adip, creating a sense of depth is essential. “You need both open and confined spaces,” says the author. “These places have a Yin and Yang ratio,” he says. “It’s necessary to be able to predict how much the plants will grow and cover or impede the view,” says the author.

Designing it the right way

According to Adip, while constructing an ecosystem like an aquarium, it’s best to have a reference photo or a sketch. If you’re going to utilize wood, choose pieces that have been weathered over time. If you’re going to use stones, make sure they’re not going to leech salts into the water.

Invest in a good base, premium hardscape materials such as branched out pieces of wood and unusual-looking rocks, as well as carefully chosen plants or fake decor.

Some fish may become agitated if there is too much wood or stone in the aquarium. “Each fish has specific movement requirements,” says the author. It is critical to create an aquascape that is appropriate for the fish. In everything we do, there is a ratio. How to Construct the Perfect Aquarium


Can aquaculture replace the wild-caught pet fish

Can aquaculture replace the wild-caught pet fish

Can aquaculture replace the wild-caught pet fish

Can aquaculture replace the wild-caught pet fish, While the BVA administration has expressed support for the ideas, the Fish Vet Society (FVS), a specialized component of the BVA, has expressed strong objection.

A paper given to the BVA council on April 20 featured a suggestion to support “a prohibition on the importation of all live wild-caught animals for non-conservation reasons, including fish,” which started the controversy.

If the prohibition is implemented, it will have the greatest impact on the marine aquarium trade, as more than 90% of the marine creatures used in both private and public aquariums are wild-caught, whereas freshwater fish are often captive-bred.

Those in favour of the ban claim that it will improve animal welfare while also encouraging the expansion of captive breeding programmes for the most popular marine species. They also point out that it would bring the legislation in line with those controlling other “non-traditional” companion animals for the pet trade, such as reptiles, amphibians, birds, and mammals.

Concerns about welfare

However, Dr. Matthijs Metselaar, senior vice-president of the FVS, opposes the ban, claiming that it lacks scientific support and that the alternatives presented by those in favour of the ban would have substantial negative consequences for habitats, socio-economic webs, and fish welfare.

“If you look at what happened in the seahorse trade after the UK trade bodies decided to only market captive-bred specimens, you’ll see that banning live capture doesn’t always have the desired impact.” “Now that all seahorses in aquaria have been captive-bred, wild seahorses are being caught, dried, and sold – in mass, at a low price – in China for human medicine,” explains Metselaar.

“Without wealth, there is no welfare,” he continues, emphasising the importance of well-cared-for creatures intended for aquariums in order to obtain a fair price. Can aquaculture replace the wild-caught pet fish

Aquarium Pet fish vs wild-caught pet fish

“To say that economics should not be regarded in welfare is both naive and narrow-minded: there is no welfare without economics,” he continues.

“The individual fish’s welfare is essential to us, and we believe that it is not considerably, if at all, jeopardised throughout the wild catch process.” “We should broaden our purview and look at this from a single health standpoint,” Metselaar argues, “and the wild-catch sector is part of a much larger web of positive societal effects.”

Metselaar points to a recent report by the Ornamental Aquatic Trade Association (OATA) that outlines the major socio-economic benefits that the present live-capture trade provides, particularly to distant coastal communities.

“It’s critical to acknowledge that wild capture contributes to local economies and delivers significant advantages to communities in the country of origin,” he says.

“Most wild-caught fish come from locations where, if it weren’t for the capture of these species, local livelihoods would shift from fishing to more environmentally harmful practises like forestry or commercial fishing,” he adds.

Concerns about aquaculture

FVS also points out that popular ornamental species breeding programmes have resulted in their own set of welfare difficulties.

“Several kinds of decorative marine fish, such as blue tangs and clownfish, have been reared in captivity and have been popularised by Hollywood movies. These breeding programmes are far from flawless, but Metselaar claims that “moving these animals from the wild can be done responsibly (and without welfare concerns) with no negative influence on the natural population.”

“The FVS supports breeding programmes, and members of the organisation are already working on welfare issues in these locations.” However, the current challenges do not justify this as a substitute for wild-caught fish,” says Metselaar. Can aquaculture replace the wild-caught pet fish

“Approximately 700 species are imported to the United Kingdom, with roughly 100 species accounting for the majority. You rapidly realise that optimising breeding programmes for those 100 species would be difficult. “It’s also improbable that the remaining 600 can be produced on a commercially successful basis, putting their welfare at risk due to breeders’

Fisheries with a low environmental impact

Metselaar also points out that the majority of marine animals obtained by aquariums are juveniles. And, because most marine species produce large numbers of juveniles due to their low wild survival rates, he claims that harvesting a small percentage of these will have little impact on wild stocks.

“Fish have a much higher number of offspring than most birds, mammals, and reptiles, which translates to a high mortality and predation rate.” “Taking a percentage of these individuals has no effect on the species’ overall population status,” he argues.

Inappropriate behaviour

Metselaar claims that the BVA hierarchy is neglecting research and making decisions based on preconceived notions as a result of these reasons.

Corner Aquarium fish tank

Corner Aquarium fish tank

Corner Aquarium fish tank

Corner Aquarium fish tank, Corner fish tanks are an excellent way to add vitality and brightness to a small space like a kitchen, office, or living room. Because corner fish tanks are made for smaller places, it’s simple to locate one that suits your needs and style.

Remember that corner fish tanks are smaller than most and hence cannot hold as many fish as larger tanks. The Koller 6.5-gallon Aquarium Kit is our top option for corner fish tanks because of its elegant and durable construction.

What you should know before purchasing a corner fish tank

Tank size vs. the number of fish you can keep. The most crucial item to consider when purchasing an aquarium, as any professional aquarist will tell you, is how many fish you plan to stock it with. That way, you may confidently purchase a tank that is the right size for your needs.

Remember that even small fish like guppies and bettas require a lot of room to live a happy and healthy life. A decent rule of thumb is that for every inch of fish in the tank, there should be 2 gallons of water, so three 1-inch guppies would require a tank with at least 6 gallons of water.

Aesthetics and aquascape

Be careful to think about how you want to design your new corner fish tank in addition to the type of fish you want to put in it. You will have a better sense of what size fish tank you will need and whether or not the design of the fish tank will match the vision you have for your aquascape if you prepare ahead of time.

Aquatic tank Fish species

Before buying any form of fish tank, keep in mind that you won’t be able to fill it with whichever fish you like. It’s crucial to remember that fish are living organisms with unique requirements in order to live a happy and healthy life.

Some fish, for example, are schooling fish, which means they need to swim around with other fish of the same kind to stay healthy. Some fish, such as bettas or other tropical fish, will require warmer water, necessitating the purchase of a fish tank heater.

What to look for in a good corner aquarium; System of high-quality filtration

The quality of the built-in filtration system is one of the most critical factors to consider when purchasing a corner aquarium. The filtration system in the tank is what keeps the aquarium clean, thus it’s critical to have one in place.

Smaller tanks with a powerful filtration system should be avoided since the strong current and water movement can harm your fish.

A good aquarium hood

An aquarium hood is a piece of plastic or glass that fits over the top of your aquarium. A good cover that fits snugly over your corner tank will assist prevent water evaporation and, as a result, reduce the number of times you need to fill off the tank with clean water. Look for an aquarium hood with a built-in feeding door so you don’t have to take it off every time you feed your fish.

Aquarium supplies

Some corner fish tanks are included in aquarium kits that also provide some basic fishkeeping supplies to get you started.

How to care for Freshwater Aquatic fish

How to care for Freshwater Aquatic fish

How to care for Freshwater Aquatic fish

How to care for Freshwater Aquatic fish, According to the American Pet Products Association’s 2019-2020 National Pet Owners Survey, fish are kept as pets by around 13.1 million American households, making them the third most common form of pet after cats and dogs.

Are you taken aback? You must not be! Aquatic life can be a lovely addition to your home, with their fascinating antics and exquisite beauty—as long as you know how to properly care for them.

If you’re thinking about introducing aquatic life into your house, the easiest way to get started is to get your aquarium set up. This, together with an understanding of the continuing maintenance requirements, will help you and your aquarium succeed. Maintaining an aquarium can be quite simple and stress-free if you know what measures to take. Consider the following as a starting point.

Choose the appropriate aquarium

The size of the aquarium you’ll need is determined by the type of fish you want to bring home (think freshwater, saltwater, and individual species), as well as the number of fish you desire. With fish tank sizes ranging from desktop aquariums for a single betta to enormous aquariums suitable for many species of fish, it’s crucial to consider the ecosystem before bringing any aquatic life into your home.

Overcrowding can result in low oxygen levels in the water, excessive waste, and even mortality in extreme circumstances. Stop by your local Petco for guidance on which size aquarium or tank is best for you based on your space and the fish you want to acquire.

Create the ideal aquarium water conditions

Varying species of aquatic life require different water conditions, but a suitable environment is essential for any underwater creature. A few things to think about are:

The water is being conditioned. To maintain aquatic life, tap water has a variety of qualities that must be adjusted in an aquarium. Use a dechlorinating chemical in conjunction with a biological aquarium supplement to appropriately condition water.

Maintaining the optimum pH balance. The pH of your tank water indicates whether it is acidic or alkaline. To check the pH level, get a pH test kit. Freshwater fish flourish in a pH range of 6.8 to 7.5, depending on the species, because this is the range that provides a natural habitat for your fish to resist illness.

Temperature stabilization Changes in water temperature can also harm aquatic life, so avoid placing your aquarium near a sunny window or near heating or air vents that can abruptly change water temperatures. Depending on the species, tropical freshwater fish require a steady temperature of 72 °F – 82 °F. An aquatic heater will assist you in maintaining a comfortable temperature.

Make sure your fish tank is in good shape

Regularly monitoring the water conditions in your aquarium or tank is a good start, but there are other things you can do, such as cleaning it regularly.

Once a month, plan to replace 25% of the water in your aquarium. This will help keep the water in your tank clean and the nitrate levels in check.

A gravel vacuum can aid in the removal of water and debris, particularly from the tank’s bottom. Also keep a watch out for algae growth. This may appear as a haze on your tank’s glass, or the water itself may appear murky, indicating low oxygen levels in the water. Use a tank scrub brush or an aquarium algae magnet to assist clear the algae from your aquarium.

Acclimate your aquarium properly

Ask the store partner what the water parameters for nitrate, nitrite, ammonia, and pH levels are for the species you’re getting, then test your setup at home to make sure it matches as precisely as possible.

To allow for temperature adaptation, float the sealed bag containing your aquatic life in your aquarium for at least 15 minutes, but no longer than an hour. Open the bag and slowly pour in a quarter-cup of aquarium water.

Fill the bag with a quarter cup of water every five minutes until it is completely full. This gradually brings the temperature and chemistry closer together, allowing the new aquatic species to adjust to their new environment without being frightened by abrupt changes.

How to keep a healthy Aquarium

How to keep a healthy Aquarium

How to keep a healthy Aquarium

How to keep a healthy Aquarium, Maintaining a healthy and successful aquarium might be difficult for novice aquarists. To be healthy, an aquarium, whether saltwater or freshwater, requires the complete attention and efforts of each owner.

If you’re ready to start caring for an aquarium, there are a few things you should know. Here are 10 crucial guidelines for managing a healthy and beautiful aquarium, from pH monitoring to water changes:

Prepare your water properly. The qualities of your tank’s water are critical to your fish’s long-term health. Remember that tap water has a variety of qualities, including minerals that must be balanced. It won’t be able to support your pet fish and aquatic plants otherwise. You must treat your water with biological agents or supplements to remove these contaminants.

Allow your fish to adjust to the water

The process of acclimating your fish to their new environment is critical. Many fish species are fragile, and they may experience shock if not properly acclimated. You can inquire about the best acclimatization procedures for your pet fish with our Pet Counselors. Before you start the process, they may suggest you to evaluate the water chemistry. When you get home, make sure you test the water for the right chemical levels. If your tank levels differ, you’ll need to give your fish a bit more time to adjust.

In their bag, float the fish. You’ll also need to adapt your fish to the aquarium’s water temperature. You’ll need to float your fish in their sealed bag for at least 15-20 minutes for this process. Add at least a quarter cup of aquarium water to the sealed bag every five minutes until it is full. Remove part of the water from the bag and lower it into the water after you’ve finished this step to allow your fish to swim freely. This method combines your aquarium’s chemistry and temperature, making the adaptation process much easier. On our blog, How To Set Up A Beginner Level Saltwater Aquarium, you can learn more about the acclimation process.

Keep the pH and other chemical levels in check

The balance of acidity and alkalinity in your aquarium’s water is measured by pH values. A pH test kit can be used to keep track of the pH levels in your tank. Freshwater fish thrive in aquariums with pH levels ranging from 6.6 to 6.8. pH ranges of 7.6 to 8.4 are ideal for saltwater fish.

You’ll also need to monitor the amounts of nitrate, nitrite, and ammone in your tank on a regular basis. These levels, of course, are very dependent on the fish species and the type of aquarium you have. Ask our Pet Counselors for tips on maintaining pH balance and other levels for the best outcomes.

Check the temperature of the water

The water temperature in your tank should be warm enough to support aquatic life. Any significant temperature variations in your aquarium can be harmful to your fish. Avoid placing your tank near cooling vents or in an area that receives a lot of sunlight. Freshwater fish require a steady water temperature of 72°F to 82°F, while saltwater fish prefer 75°F to 80°F.

Temperature levels differ depending on the fish type, thus study is essential for the best outcomes. If your aquarium is too cold to keep your fish alive, you may need to get a water warmer.

Frequently change the water

Changing 25% of the water in your aquarium once a month maintains it clean and stabilizes nitrate levels. Other debris and waste products left by high phosphate levels are also removed. Leaving these levels high causes your fish to be stressed, which can make them sick. Water temps that are consistent allow your fish and aquatic life to be strong and healthy.

Tank glass and other structures should be cleaned

A little green in your aquarium isn’t normally a reason for concern, but too much can be harmful. Algae growth gives your tank a murky, swampy appearance and diminishes oxygen levels in the water. This may result in the loss of fish and aquatic plants in your aquarium. More information on how to get rid of algae can be found in our blog, How to Control Algae Growth in Your Aquarium.

Choose the appropriate tank size

Although it may be tempting to keep a big number of pet fish, overflowing your tank is not a good idea. Low oxygen levels can result from overcrowding, making your fish prone to disease. It can also result in a lot of garbage, waste, and deaths, all of which will lower the quality of your water. Ask one of our pet counselors about the proper tank size for your pet fish.

Choose fish that are compatible

Many different fish species can coexist in specific settings. Fish species normally leave each other alone as long as they have enough space, food, and other necessary. When it comes to their homes, though, certain fish species are highly possessive or violent.

That is why we recommend looking at fish that can coexist happily. Check out our Top 10 Best Freshwater Fish For Your Aquarium for the best freshwater fish breeds. For additional lovely saltwater options, check out our list of the Top 7 Best Saltwater Aquarium Fish for Beginners.

Fresh water Fish

Fresh water fish, keeping an aquarium in your home adds various advantages to your wellbeing, such as lessening pressure and bringing down pulse. Freshwater tanks, in general are simpler to really focus on than that of saltwater tanks, and their critters are additionally sympathetic to botches made by new proprietors. Freshwater fish has its own excellent choice of vivid and interesting charm that cause your aquarium to flourish with life.  We have investigated some best freshwater fish for your aquarium.

African Angelfish

The West African Angelfish otherwise called the African Angelfish or Guinean Angelfish. The adolescents have an excellent blue tone with a yellow tail. When arriving at around 1-1/2 to 2 inches the adolescents will begin to change tone. The West African Angelfish can grow to over a foot long, so it needs in any event a 150-gallon aquarium. It is a solid fish, yet can get forceful, so it ought to be kept with other semi-forceful tank mates.

The eating regimen of the West African Angelfish ought to incorporate vegetables, for example, Spirulina, marine green growth, substantial things, and great angelfish arrangements which incorporate wipes. Angelfish needs to be fed multiple times every day.

Candy Basslet:

The Candy Basslet (Liopropoma carmabi) is an amazingly uncommon, freshwater fish, which gives invigorating tones to any freshwater aquarium. This fish is has many “sacred goals” records in the aquarium pastime. This specific Basslet is found at profundities going from 80 to 250 ft underneath the surface.

The tinge of the Candy Basslet has been portrayed as perhaps the most delightful fish we can keep in aquariums, and is regularly hard to photo, because of the brilliant tones. The Candy Basslet has an orange foundation, that has splendid purple and red lines running down the length of the body.

Golden back Triggerfish:

The Golden back Triggerfish are an uncommon triggerfish that can grow up to 14 inches in length. These oval/submarine molded fish are radiant white in shading and are orange on their chest areas. They are fixed with that equivalent orange across their caudal blades and their eyes are shaded orange too.

It is ideal to house the Golden back Triggerfish in a 200-gallon tank or bigger with rocks alongwith animated characteristic natural surroundings. These fish can be semi-forceful, yet can be kept with other tranquil fish. They can be put in reef aquariums yet with alert.

blue and yellow wrasse:

The blue and yellow wrasse, Anampses lennardi, is an uncommon type of reef fish that hangs out in a group of numerous lovely, brilliant fish. Otherwise called Lennard’s wrasse. A lennardi is an Australian reef fish that was everything except obscure in the aquarium leisure activity up until a couple of years back. It is just inside the most recent a half year that the species got imported in apparent numbers for the aquarium exchange the United States.

What makes lennardi interesting isn’t only its oddity to aquarium specialist, but an astounding shading that changes significantly as the fish develops. Lennard’s wrasse turns out to be progressively vivid as it develops with grown-ups turning into a shocking blue and yellow that challenges the magnificence of the related and exceptionally sought-after femininus wrasse, Anampses femininus.

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Best aquarium Fish (Both Marine and Freshwater)

Best aquarium fish, Keeping an aquarium for fish in your home adds several benefits to your health, like lowering blood pressure and reducing stress. Here we discuss the best aquarium fishes, including both marine and freshwater. Freshwater tanks tend to be easier to care for than saltwater tanks, but it depends on the person’s expertise in keeping fish. Both freshwater and marine fish have their own beautiful selection of colors and unique species that make your aquarium thrive with life.

Whether you’re a seasoned or new aquarium owner, it’s hard not to get hooked on your marine or freshwater fish and their personalities.

Let’s take a look at the top few best fish for your aquarium. 

1.     Angel Fish

Angelfish, which are Cichlid family members, are freshwater fish,  including Oscars, Discus, and Parrotfish, all common fish amongst aquarium keepers. They are top choices for new and experienced aquarium owners/enthusiasts because of their calmness, beauty, and lovely shape with unique colors.

With its beautiful shape, distinctive fins, and lovely striped pattern, the striking angelfish certainly lives up to its name. They can grow up to 6-7 inches in length, almost 8 inches tall, and come in various colors and patterns.

Since they can grow to a small saucer’s size, keep them in 55 or more water gallons tank(especially in vertically tall tanks). The water requirements for angelfish should be slightly soft and acidic, and all Angelfish needs top-notch water quality and a fast-flowing current.

Aquarium friendly nature: (Most fish lack this feature)

As they mature, they never become aggressive, even if your tank is overcrowded. Generally, they are known as a good community fish, and that’s why they make a top spot on our list. Just don’t keep them with tiny fish or fin-nipping species.

Angelfish do well with tetras, rasboras, and other community fish, but it’s best to keep one to avoid territorial fighting among their species. They are omnivorous, so that they will need a balanced diet of meat and plant food. There are many different types of angelfish.

Common varieties include:

  • Bandit Angelfish
  • African Angelfish
  • Blue Line Angelfish
  • Conspicuous Angelfish
  • Clarion Angelfish
  • Interruptus Angelfish
  • Joculator Angelfish
  • Peppermint Angelfish
  • Masked Angelfish
  • Tiger Angelfish

2.     Arowana fish

The Arowana fish, commonly known as the dragon fish or monkey fish, is also one of the best bony freshwater fish. It is believed to be the most docile and most unique fish with multiple records of its sub-species. Such as the Gold Arowana fish is famous for its gold color, winning beauty contests, and scarcity.

Generally, the Chinese believed Red Arowana brings prosperity and good luck due to its red and coin-like scales.

Most of the Arowanas are indigenous to Asia, South America, Africa, and Australia and are prized possessions in the fishkeeping industry. They are best for both first time and expert owners.

These given factors make Arowana fish best suitable for the aquariums.

Water Conditions
They are very much tolerant and resistant to changing water conditions. They adapt and survive the harsh conditions too. That’s why they are among our top list. But you must maintain their water temperature around 77-82 degrees with pH levels of 6.0-7.5. You must change 25% of your water weekly and ensure efficient filtration to keep water quality right

Behavior and Size
They are large fish, but they are significantly less aggressive. They require ample tank space to mimic their natural environment. If they are placed in an aquarium that’s not too big, they will jump out and easily injure themselves. A young Arowana can be raised in a 60-gallon tank, while a full-size Arowana requires at least 200-250 gallons.

Tank Population
As predator fish, Arowana should not be housed with other aggressive breeds. To ensure your fish population’s safety, pair an Arowana with peaceful fish that are large enough to avoid presenting themselves as food, such as:

  • Jaguar Cichlid
  • Pacu (if the tank is large enough)
  • Silver Dollar Fish
  • Large Plecos
  • Large catfish
  • Parrotfish
  • Bichir
  • Green Terror Cichlid
  • Black Ghost Knife Fish

Arowana fish has multiple types and color patterns.

Their most significant types are:

  • Banjar Red Arowana Fish
  • Black Arowana Fish
  • Blood Red Arowana Fish
  • Blue Base Arowana Fish
  • Blue Black Arowana Fish
  • Chili Red Arowana Fish
  • Cross Back Golden Arowana
  • Green Arowana
  • Hight Back Golden Arowana
  • Jardini Arowana Fish
  • Leichardti Arowana For Sale
  • Malaysian Golden Crossback Arowana
  • Platinum Arowana For Sale
  • Platinum Super Red Arowana
  • Silver Arowana
  • Super Red Arowana

3.     Gem Tang

The Gem Tang ), also known as Gemmatum Tang (Zebrasoma gemmatum), is a gorgeous and highly-prized fish with a galaxy of vibrant white spots and a stunning black body. These are marine water fishes. This fish’s unique feature is that its yellow accents and fiery yellowtail on the pectoral fins inject a burst of color that looks appealing and pleasant to the human eye.

Naturally, the Gem Tang can be found in the Western Indian Ocean off Mozambique, Madagascar, South Africa, and near Reunion and Mauritius’s islands. Due to the inhabitants of the Indian ocean, they can cope with any water temperature. Due to this, they make it on our top list of marine water fish.

The Gem Tang is the best desirable Tangs for the reef aquarium. If appropriately housed, it is an attractive and rewarding addition to any sizeable fish-only tank or reef aquarium. If keeping them, be sure to provide lots of free-swimming space, adequate lighting, and plenty of potential hiding spots.

Another reason for their top aquarium fish is that they eat a variety of food. Tangs will eat meaty foods and the other fish in the aquarium, but they must be offered plenty of marine-based algae and seaweed. An herbivore diet will help reduce aggression, strengthen the immune system, and improve its overall health. Offer dried seaweed using a veggie clip, and feed at least three times per week. Seaweed Salad, Sea Veggies, and Ocean Nutrition are ideal products and are very easy to use.

Approximate Size:

7″ to 8″ in length

4.     Candy Basslet

The Deepwater Candy Basslet is an eye-catching and pleasing addition to the home saltwater aquarium. They have an elongated body with orange and lavender horizontal stripes, which are accented with red lines. Similar to the Swales Basslet and the Swiss guard, but easily identified by their intense coloration.

An excellent peaceful reef-dwelling fish, however, the Deepwater Candy Basslet may pose a threat to smaller, ornamental crustaceans that can fit into their mouth. Provide at least a 10-gallon tank for a single individual.

As a carnivore, the Deepwater Candy Basslet will thrive on a diet of meaty foods, including marine fish, Mysis shrimp, crustacean flesh, and quality frozen preparations.

Approximate Size: 1-1/2″ or larger in length

5.     Blue Striped Tamarin Wrasse

The Blue Striped Tamarin Wrasse, also known as the Femininus Wrasse or the Blue-tail Wrasse, is a medium-sized aquarium fish that is beautifully colored. They have an elongated body with an anal and dorsal fin that extends almost the fish’s entire length. Females are primarily yellow in coloration with many vibrant bright blue stripes, and the tail is blue in coloration, which lends to its common name.

The Blue Striped Tamarin Wrasse requires a 180-200 gallon or larger aquarium. The unique feature that makes this fish the top choice for an aquarium is its ability to camouflage/hide in the sand while sleeping or in danger. That’s why they require a sandy bottom aquarium. Due to this feature, they are also best tank mates for upper dwellers.

They are speedy and agile, which increases their beauty in the aquarium when they move. The ideal aquarium for these fish must have plenty of live rock for foraging food hiding or hiding. They make a beautiful addition to the reef or fish-only display aquarium and will typically not harm sessile invertebrates, nor soft or stony corals.

The Blue Striped Tamarin Wrasse diet should include vitamin enriched frozen Mysis shrimp, vitamin-enriched frozen brine shrimp, and other meaty foods.

Approximate Size: 2″ to 4″ in length Whatsapp: +45 71 51 65 23 or Email us at contact@arowanaparadise.com

Arowana Fish

Arowana fish, the Asian arowana, otherwise called dragon fish or the winged serpent fish, is accepted by the Chinese to bring prosperity and success because of its red tone and coin-like scales. The Asian arowana is the world’s most costly aquarium fish.

Features of Asian Arowana Fish:

Arowanas are lone fish and just permit organization while youthful; grown-ups may show strength and animosity. Some viable species regularly collaborated with this fish are jokester knifefish, pacu, Oscars, puma cichlids, green fear, gar, tinfoil point, Siamese tiger fish, and others to some degree forceful fish that can’t fit in the arowana’s mouth. These fish are best kept with live or frozen feed and they effectively grow out of the tank within 8 to 10 months. An aquarium of 150 gallons is a base, while tanks as much as 400-600 gallons are ideal Australian species are best kept alone in aquaria.

The arowana fish is a facultative air breather and can acquire oxygen from air by sucking it into its swim bladder, which is fixed with vessels like lung tissue. There are 10 kinds of arowana ordinarily kept as pets; 4 from Asia, 3 from South America, 2 from Australia, and 1 from Africa.


It is a tropical freshwater fish from Southeast Asia that grows three feet in length in nature. That similarity has generated the conviction that the fish brings good luck and flourishing wealth in the family, which is the reason it has gotten an exceptionally sought-after aquarium fish. It is assessed that the complete yearly income of the Asian arowana area was over 200 million US dollars worldwide since 2012. Arowana are known to utilize their dainty, ground-breaking body to leap out of the water to catch airborne prey. Due to its enormous scopes and red shading, it is given the moniker “dragonfish.”

Water Parameters:

Water boundaries ought to be observed routinely by utilizing economically accessible water test packs. As a general guideline:

  • Smelling salts (NH4): Should be kept at totally 0 ppm
  • Nitrites (NO3): Should be kept at totally 0 ppm
  • Nitrates (NO4): Should be kept under 40 ppm

As far as temperature:

Arowanas are exotic fish, so they ought to be kept in the water around 30° Celsius (or 86° Fahrenheit). Be that as it may, Australian arowanas are known to have the option to flourish in cooler temperatures.

Concerning the water hardness:

Most arowanas are as of now reproduced in hostage, so they’re ready to endure a more extensive scope of water hardness. Notwithstanding, they do best with water hardness levels of 6.0-7.0 Ph.

The Bottom Line:

Asian arowana is a jeopardized species and prohibited in the United States. It is a superficial point of interest among affluent Asian men. A pale-skinned arowana sold at a record cost of $300,000 in 2009. Most pet arowana are cultivated behind high-security wall. In spite of their jeopardized status in the wild, the hostage rearing of this species for the aquarium diversion exchange has expanded dramatically with a larger number of people in bondage than in nature.

Whatsapp: +45 71 51 65 23 or Email us at contact@arowanaparadise.com https://arowanaparadise.com/

Fresh Water Fish for Sale

Fresh Water Fish for Sale, the purest form of love is hidden in nature as far as freshwater fish are concerned. All the pleasures are hidden in its charms. And the most precious form of human love finds its expression in these amazingly beautiful creatures. So, as we are talking about pets let’s explore what are the fresh water fish? Buy freshwater fish online.

What Is Meant By Fresh Water Fish?

The fish that survives in freshwaters like seas, pond and lakes are freshwater fish. The positive thing about them is that they can only make their habitat in freshwater i.e. the water without impurities. These are the fish that have cleanliness sensitivity. These are the fish that spend most of their lives in water bodies like lakes and rivers that have the salinity of less than 1.05%.

Around 41.24% of all of the known fish species are found in freshwater. This is basically because of the rapid speciation that the distinct and scattered habitats make possible.

Where Can I Keep My Fresh Water Fish for Sale?

Keeping freshwater fish at home will require you to have as big of a tank or an aquarium as you can. Ensure you place your tank in a lighted area and keep a decent filter in the aquarium. Add some gravel in the tank and put some greenery and plants in it as well. Some freshwater fish options that can be kept together are tetras, guppies, danios, rasboras, and gouramis.

Freshwater fish are easier to take care of hence enjoy a happy little group of freshwater fish at your home!

A Few Things to Keep Note Of If You Are Going To Buy Freshwater Fish:

Ensure you are not overfeeding these fish and remove the uneaten food from the tank regularly. While you do a water change of the tank, make sure to remove around 25% of the water and don’t empty or scrub the tank out with soap. As this may harm the fish, you will keep in it. Make sure you add water conditioner while you add new water in the tank.

What Kind of Fresh Water Fish do We Provide?

 We provide with Very active, healthy, colorful and different species of freshwater fish a few of which are listed below:

  • African Angelfish
  • Bandit Angelfish
  • Black Tang zebrasoma rostratum
  • Blueline Angelfish
  • Blue striped Tamarin wrasse
  • Candy Basslet
  • Clarion Angelfish captive bred
  • Conspicuous Angelfish
  • Flathead perch rainfordia opercularis
  • Gem Tang Zebrasoma Gemmatum
  • Golden black triggerfish
  • Interruptus Angelfish
  • Japanese Dragon Eel
  • Lennardi wrasse

All of the above are very rare and unique species of fish which are now available with us. Most of these are found in the river of Amazon. You will have much pleasure by keeping them with you at home and providing them with your affection.

In fact, there is a lot of benefits that accompany keeping these awesome creatures at the comfort of your home. These fish are easier to keep, and hence if you are a beginner fish owner, you won’t find it hard to keep these at home.

Whatsapp: +45-7151-6523 or Email us at contact@arowanaparadise.com https://arowanaparadise.com/

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