Water Treatments for Ponds and Aquariums
Water Treatments for Ponds and Aquariums
Water Treatments for Ponds and Aquariums, To assist consumers and their fish, aquatic store operators must take on dual roles of educator and retailer.
One of the four substances that the Greek philosophers thought comprised the universe is WATER. Of course, earth, air, and fire were the other three. Thankfully, fish habitats only need three of these: water, earth, and air. Anyone who keeps fish in captivity needs to take into account the water’s quality as well as the amount of dissolved oxygen and the substrate’s chemical composition.
A fish tank should, on the whole, have all of its components functioning harmoniously. Most of the time, regular aquarium maintenance will take care of this, but when things start to go awry, it’s time to call in the special forces.
Why do we treat Aquarium or pond water?
How do you as a dealer profit from this circumstance is the question. Selling goods that alter the chemistry of water has never been the solution, though. Only a proactive strategy will be effective. Both a retailer and a teacher are required of you. Diagnose the issue, completely clean the tank, reset important parameters, monitor and be patient, and be ready to either repeat your past activities or seek a new path to success are the correct steps to take.
Let’s start in the beginning, while the tank is being constructed. Have you completely cleansed the gravel before putting it in the tank? Has the tank been cleaned before usage, by the way? Here is the protocol I recommend: The tank should be placed on its stand or another equally stable surface, filled to the brim with untreated tap water that is 80 degrees, and left undisturbed for at least two hours. The water should then be gradually drained out while the interior glass surfaces are being cleaned with a clean towel. Place the tank on its stand in the exact location where you want it to be.
Add the washed gravel next. Any rocks or other decorations should be placed in the tank as you gradually fill it. Obviously, don’t add any live fish or plants just yet. Don’t forget to scrub the rocks completely before placing them in the tank. No cleaning agents of any type; simply use water.
Aquarium Water Tank Treatment tips
In a tank, there may be a variety of reasons why things go wrong. Most frequently, but not always, mistakes made by the aquarist are to blame. Even the water used to fill the tank can vary in contamination in some areas. The water itself may differ depending on the season. You might be better off using RO/DI water if you need to doubt the safety of tap water for an aquarium, especially for freshwater situations.
Offering RO/DI water to your customers will enable you to sell water treatments at the highest possible profit. Of course, there are disadvantages to this, but they are more of a nuisance than anything else. When selling both salted water and distilled freshwater, holding vessels for RO/DI might take up a lot of room. Membranes and chemicals need to be changed periodically. In addition to making money, selling RO/DI water has the added benefit of bringing in repeat business. And they nearly always leave with another item that attracted their attention, such as a piece of equipment, an ornament, a fish, a plant, a can of fish food, a rock, or even a piece of coral.