
Coppia Hippocampus Reidi Yellow-Brazileros

Bellissimi Hippocampus reidi gialli maschi e femmine ora disponibili. Personalità affascinanti. Tutti a mangiare gamberi mysis congelati. Tutti allevati a mano nella nostra fattoria di cavallucci marini. Garantito per mangiare gamberi mysis congelati. Il Brazilero (Hippocampus Redii) è originario delle calde acque del Brasile tropicale. Sono un cavalluccio marino snello e dal corpo stretto che può raggiungere una lunghezza da 7 a 8 pollici quando è completamente cresciuto. Questi cavallucci marini andranno d'accordo con tutti i cavallucci marini tropicali Ocean Rider.

Il peso 4 libbre

Original price was: $250.00.Current price is: $200.00.

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Coppia Hippocampus Reidi Yellow-Brazileros

Hippocampus Reidi Yellow-Brazileros Pair, Beautiful stunning yellows male and female Hippocampus reidi now available. Charming personalities. All eating frozen mysis shrimp. All hand raised in our Seahorse Farm. Guaranteed to eat frozen mysis shrimp.

The Brazilero (Hippocampus Redii) is native to the warm waters of Tropical Brazil. They are a slender, narrow bodied, sea horse that can reach lengths of 7 to 8 inches long when full grown. These seahorses will get along well with all of  Ocean Rider tropical seahorses.


Seahorses have excellent eyesight and their eyes are able to work independently on either side of their head. This means they can look forwards and backwards at the same time! This is particularly useful as they hunt for food by sight.


Seahorses pair for life. They meet first thing in the morning to reinforce their pair bonding with an elaborate courtship display. The female meets the male in his territory and as they approach each other, they change colour. The male circles around the female and the pair often spiral around an object. This display can last for up to an hour. Once over the female goes back to her territory.


Females have a territory of about 100 sq metres and males have a territory of about 0.5 sq metres. Their territories overlap.

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