Ginrin Showa Koi 14.96 inch For Sale
Ginrin Showa Koi 14.96 inch, Ginrin indicates the group of koi varieties that have diamond scales on the entire bodies. These scales are different from metallic and Platinum koi due to their scales being reflective and shining in the light in a miraculous way.
Kin-Gin-Rin (keen-geen-leen) is a reference to a koi’s scale type rather than the variety of koi, and literally means ‘golden silver reflective scales.’ Most generally, Kin Gin Rin is abbreviated to Gin Rin by koi breeders, sellers and koi hobbyists of today. Any 锦鲤 variety can have Gin Rin scales, and what a brilliant enhancement the sparkly scales make. The addition of Gin Rin scales can transform an ordinarily plain koi into a stunning beauty. Gin Rin is highly reflective so that each scale glistens when it catches the light. It’s no wonder that koi are called Living Jewels.
The Gin Rin scales appear golden when they cover red pigment, or hi. A Gin Rin scale appears silvery when covering white or black pigment. Ideal Gin Rin scales should start at the base of the head, or shoulder, and continue to the base of the tail and along both sides of the dorsal fin. Rows of scales should be very neatly aligned with no random or mismatched scales. A koi needs to have at least 2 complete rows, preferably 3 or more, to be classified as Gin Rin for entering into any koi show. Symmetry is very important when evaluating Gin Rin.
Koi which fall into the Hikari Muji and Hikari Moyo classes (Ogons, Kikusui, Kujaku, Hariwake etc.) are shiny too, but theirs is very different from Gin Rin. Remember that Gin Rin is shiny scales. The Hikari classes are metallic, meaning that their skin has a metallic sheen or luster. That luster will cover the entire body, including the scales. Hikari varieties will show metallic luster on the head and fins with the pectorals being the most prominent. So, the difference between Gin Rin and Hikari Koi is scales versus skin.
选择 Gin Rin Koi 时要注意什么
在寻找优质的 Gin Rin 锦鲤时,如果可能的话,您需要忽略所有的金光闪闪,并挑选一条在其他方面都接近完美的鱼。首先,检查锦鲤的身体构造。看它有正确的比例,所有的鳍都完好无损。接下来,观察它如何游泳、呼吸以及对其他锦鲤的反应。然后挑出你最喜欢的图案或颜色最漂亮的鱼。
最后,您可以专注于 Gin Rin 音阶。请记住,金麟锦鲤应该有两排或更多完整的鳞片,越多越好。它们应该从肩膀开始,到尾巴结束。寻找整齐排列整齐的直线和偶数行的秤。避免那些缺失、随机或混乱的音阶。鳞片的布局或位置不会随着新宠物的成长而改变。最后,选择闪耀度最高的锦鲤,因为 Kin Gin Rin 锦鲤也是根据鳞片的质量来评判的。
- 经验等级:中级
- 尺寸:锦鲤长到 36 英寸(91 厘米)长
- 寿命:它们可以活超过 50 年,并在各种水温下茁壮成长
- 气质:他们通常很平静,但可能会挑选速度较慢的鱼
- 来源:它们是一种原产于日本的鲤鱼
- 你知道吗:锦鲤可以学会识别并从他们的宠物父母那里取食
- 锦鲤长得很快,变得非常大。将成熟的锦鲤放在至少 3 英尺深的室外池塘中,每条鱼至少 50 加仑的水。
- 年轻的锦鲤可以在至少 29 加仑的水族箱中饲养在室内。
- 将水族箱放在远离阳光直射和气流的安静区域。
- 用罩子盖住水族箱,以减少蒸发和飞溅,并防止鱼跳出。
- 要将新锦鲤转移到水族箱,请将它们漂浮在袋子内的水中约 10 分钟,以便它们适应新的水温。
- 如果您要将锦鲤引入水族馆或池塘中的现有学校,请将新鱼隔离在单独的水体中 2 至 4 周,以确保它们健康。
- 搬家当天,用网将锦鲤转移,以免旧水与新水混合。
- 无论他们住在室内还是室外,一次添加不超过 3 条新锦鲤。
户外锦鲤很耐寒,只要它们的池塘足够深而不会完全冻结,它们就会在冬天在冰下冬眠。 (它们无法在坚硬的冰中生存。)
室内锦鲤喜欢 65 到 75 华氏度的水。
在室内水族馆内安装一盏灯,每天照亮 8 到 12 小时。
锦鲤非常耐高温——它们甚至可以在冬天在冰下冬眠。只要确保你的池塘至少有三英尺深——否则,它可能会结冰,而锦鲤也不会那么坚硬。当它们生活在室内时,锦鲤更喜欢凉爽的水——温度在 65 到 75 华氏度(18 到 24 摄氏度)之间。
如果您的户外锦鲤在冬天似乎没有进食,请不要担心;它们在低于 40 华氏度的温度下停止进食是正常的。如果您发现以下任何症状,请务必联系兽医:
- 不寻常的游泳模式
- 消瘦或食欲下降
- 腹部肿胀
- 皮肤或鳍发炎或变色
- 鳍夹在身体两侧
- 在岩石上刮身体(闪烁)
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