Yellow Sunbursts Seahorse For Sale
Yellow Sunbursts Seahorse, the best seahorses you will ever own.
This new Pinto Special Includes:
- 2 medium Sunbursts (mated pair) and 1 medium Pinto with mild pinto markings (no whites)
- 10 grm Vibrance 1 and 2o free Red Volcanic Shrimp with green sea lettuce
- FREE FedEx Shipping. Box charges are included with Fed Ex shipping.
Sunburst Seahorse Care Sheets (Hippocampus Erectus)
Acclimation and Care Procedures for Sunburst Seahorses
Scientific Name: Hippocampus Erectus
Перевірте, чи основні параметри якості води знаходяться в прийнятному діапазоні
- Температура: 68F – 82F (оптимальна температура 75 – 78F)
- Аміак 0, Нітрити 0
- Нітрати 1-10 ppm
- PH 8,2 – 8,4
- Питома вага 1,022 – 1,025
Acclimate your seahorses slowly, but do not take more than 30 minutes to complete the procedure.
Open your box away from any bright lights. Check temperature and PH upon arrival in both the shipping water and in the tank.
Turn off aquarium lights and follow this procedure:
- Float the bag in your tank for about 10 minutes to equalize temperatures.
- Partially open the bag and add 1 cup of tank water. (Do NOT aerate the shipping bag during acclimation)
- Wait 10 minutes.
- Remove 1 cup of water and add another cup of water from the tank.
- Wait 10 minutes.
- Repeat this procedure again.
- Gently use your hand to transfer the seahorses into the tank, discarding the water left in the bag.
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