Taisho Sanke Koi 21.26 inch For Sale
Taisho Sanke Koi 21.26 inch, the Koi fish hobby can be as addictive as a video game for a teenager. They are a 魚 of beauty and diverse colors. These spectacular fish can show their personality at meal time. Koi are often overly excited when you feed them and sometimes will display jumping and be trained to eat from your hand. They are omnivorous fish, eating both plants and animals (mostly small crustaceans.) Similar to most nutrition plans, Koi will do best with a properly balanced diet.
When properly cared for in an ideal environment, the Koi will possibly outlive their owners. An average 鯉 lives 23-30 years, but the oldest known Koi fish lived for 226 years. They range in sizes of 2-3 feet and can weigh up to 35-40 lbs. They are a hardy, cold water fish and will flourish in a temperature range of 59-77 degrees F (15-25 degrees C).
Selecting Taisho Sanke Koi
When selecting a Koi fish to raise and possibly show, it is best to consider many factors such as the color, pattern, body, and overall health. Look for a healthy fish without any body deformities or missing fins. The color should be even and pure with a balanced pattern. When judging the body of a Koi, the head should be symmetrical and in proportion to the body.
An easy way to gauge correct proportion is by looking for a smooth transition of the gill plate that divides the head and body. The best Koi shape is larger at the middle with a gradual tapering towards the head and even more so at the tail. Take into consideration the size of the snout and fins.
For the Sanke variety, the white (shiro) body should be a thick, milky white and not have any yellow tinting or blemishes. The red (hi) markings should be solid and evenly colored and the edges (kiwa) should be defined. The hue can range from a bright orange to a deep red tint. The black (sumi) markings should be solid with clearly defined edges as well. The spotting of dark blue or gray can change into black on a young Koi as it matures. Try to avoid Sanke with any black on the head.
Sanke Variety Koi
A (red) hi pattern that moves from the head to tail continuously is known as an Aka Sanke and are less desired. A Tancho Sanke has a red round patch on the head, with no other red on the body. This Sanke variation is highly sought after in Japan because of the similarity in appearance to the Japanese national bird. If there are red markings on the body as well, then it is known as a Maruten Sanke.
The best way to determine what the high quality Koi looks like is to become familiar by looking at photos of Koi, by joining a Koi club and attending Koi shows. With time, research, and experience, any hobbyist will be able to select the best Koi for their pond and enjoy them for many years.
鯉のお手入れガイド – 鯉について知っておくべき 6 つのこと
- 経験レベル: 中級
- サイズ: 鯉は体長 36 インチ (91 cm) まで成長します
- 寿命: 50 年以上生きることができ、さまざまな水温で繁栄します。
- 気性:彼らは一般的に穏やかですが、より遅い魚を選ぶかもしれません
- 由来:日本原産の鯉の一種
- ご存知でしたか: コイはペットの親から食べ物を認識して摂取することを学ぶことができます
- 鯉は成長が早く、とても大きくなります。成熟したコイは、1 匹あたり 50 ガロン以上の水を入れ、深さ 3 フィート以上の屋外の池に入れます。
- 若い鯉は、少なくとも 29 ガロンの水槽で室内で飼うことができます。
- 水槽は、直射日光や通風のない静かな場所に置きます。
- 水槽をフードで覆い、蒸発と飛沫を減らし、魚が飛び出さないようにします。
- 新しい鯉を水槽に移すときは、袋に入れたまま約10分間水に浮かべて、新しい水温に順応させます。
- 水族館や池の既存の群れにコイを紹介する場合は、新しい魚を別の水域で 2 ~ 4 週間隔離して、コイが健康であることを確認します。
- 引越し当日は、古い水と新しい水が混ざらないように、網を使って鯉を移します。
- 屋内でも屋外でも、一度に追加できる新しい鯉は 3 匹までです。
屋外のコイは丈夫で、池が完全に凍結しないほど深い場合、冬には氷の下で冬眠します。 (固い氷の中では生きられません。)
屋内の鯉は、華氏 65 ~ 75 度の水を好みます。
鯉はかなり温度に強く、冬には氷の下で冬眠することさえできます。池の深さが 3 フィート以上あることを確認してください。屋内で生活する場合、鯉は 18 ~ 24 ℃ (65 ~ 75 度 F) の冷たい水を好みます。
屋外の鯉が冬に餌を食べていないように見えても、心配しないでください。華氏 40 度以下の温度で食べるのをやめるのは正常なことです。次のような症状に気付いた場合は、必ず獣医師に連絡してください。
- 珍しい泳ぎ方
- やせや食欲減退
- 腹部の腫れ
- 皮膚やヒレの炎症や変色
- 体の側面に固定されたフィン
- 岩に体をこする(フラッシング)
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