
الراي اللساع لؤلؤة للبيع

They will need feeding at least once or twice a day. Juveniles love live or frozen bloodworm, Tubifex, Artemia, krill and suchlike. Adults should be fed correspondingly larger foods, such as whole mussels, cockles, prawns, squid, whitebait (or other fresh fish) and earthworms. The rays for sale are still young, and will resemble the first variation of coloring in the color variation picture.

We have both الذكر و إناث متوفرة. يرجى تحديد الخيار الخاص بك عند الخروج.


Original price was: $400.00.Current price is: $350.00.


الراي اللساع لؤلؤة للبيع

Pearl Stingrays For Sale, wild rays feed chiefly on other fish and aquatic invertebrates, including worms and crustaceans. They will need feeding at least once or twice a day. الأحداث love live or frozen bloodworm, Tubifex, Artemia, krill and suchlike. Adults should be fed correspondingly larger foods, such as whole mussels, cockles, prawns, squid, whitebait (or other fresh fish) and earthworms.

The rays for sale are still young, and will resemble the first variation of coloring in the color variation picture. We have both male and females available. Please select your option.

What Do Stingrays Eat?

Freshwater stingrays are carnivores, feeding mostly on fish and crustaceans in the wild. Many hobbyists feed live blackworms to get new rays eating as soon as possible, but frozen bloodworms, mysis shrimp, raw shrimp or white fish (tilapia) and live earthworms are better choices once rays are acclimated to their new surroundings. Freshwater rays can be taught to take food from tweezers or even from your hand. Many rays, especially captive bred specimens, will also eat sinking pellet or tablet foods such as Aqueon® Tropical Granules, Bottom Feeder Tablets, Shrimp Pellets and Cichlid Pellets.

Stingray Breeding Level – Difficult

A number of hobbyists have had success breeding freshwater stingrays, but it takes time, space and dedication. Females are larger than males and have two uteruses, meaning they can have litters of pups from two different males at the same time. Males have modified pelvic fins called claspers, which they use to inseminate the females. All freshwater stingrays are believed to give live birth to pups.

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